What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

We are all love and light here.  That is where you can be as well.  All Love!  All Light!  It is all in the intentions and in the mind-set as well as your perception.  It is in the acceptance and in the flow and in the belief of “all-that-is.”  It is finding your place in the all-that-is and knowing that all around you are those on the path doing the best they can.  Allow people to be.  Some may act “very badly” in your opinion.  That is their path so no-judgment and try not to be too disappointed in them.  You are your own light and no other can make or break that light.  That light is between you and the maker as well as you and what you attain in light/love and what you give up in darkness/fear/anger, etc.  Think of your body/mind/spirit as an empty vessel:  how would you like to fill that vessel?  Do you want to hold onto the “drosses” and/or the muck and mire of the past?  Do you want to harbor resentment and keep that in your vessel along with anger and hate?  Many people do but the problem there is they know no better ~ if they understood that those things in which they hold onto actually drag them down and make them sick they may think otherwise (or maybe not).  That is their concern.  Your concern is “where you’re at” and what your vessel holds.  Give love and kindness and your vessel fills up with love and kindness.  Be in the flow of love and light and again your vessel fills up and spills over with sparkly blossoms of wonderful.  Shine it out to the world for others are blind to the love/light ~ they know no better ~ they don’t “see it.”  Shine your light so they learn from example.  Forcing people to “see” and “be” a certain way is a waste of your time.  BE-ing that love and light benefits you as well as the whole.  So try to use that approach for those who are stuck.  Just be you ~ do not lower your vibration ~ do not go to “their level of non-awareness.”  Do not judge but do not lower yourself either.  Keep the light strong within you and send it around.  It is getting stronger . . . can you feel it?
