What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

Do take some breaths and ground your energy.  Connect to the earth and all it has to offer when it comes to strength and balance.  Connect to the sky/sun/heavens and gain energy there.  Bring both energies into the body and have them connect at your core center.  Breathe, breathe, breathe.  There is much topsy-turvy happening on the earth plane as well as around the solar system and universe so it is vital to our mental and physical health (sanity LOL) to be and stay grounded as much as humanly possible.  Do know that energies around us influence our well-being and “balance,” if you will.  Do know you can take measures to rebalance the imbalances by grounding and connecting and asking for help.  Ask your guides and angels for help in clearing old energy.  Ask your higher power-helpers to recalibrate your own “wave-lengths” so they better match that of the earth and sky.  Find yourself with grounding tools such as a simple walk in nature, the hugging of a pet or friend, and the general “connection” of life here on earth.  This helps integrate the outside effects so they are less foreign to you.   Take deep breaths and make a vow today to be kind and generous.  More abundance and love will come your way when you do.  Remember that what we think becomes more easily manifested during these amped up energetic times so watch the thoughts and keep them as clean as pure (and positive) as possible.  Drink lots of water and do some grounding yoga!  Smile and laugh and be joyous in all your experiences today, Earth Angel.  And much Love and Light to you and yours; now and forever.
