What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

Love is Light, and Light is Love, and you are Gorgeous!  We could stop right there: if you believed it.  But most people don’t “own up” to their grandeur.  Most people don’t shine their light all of the time.  Most people don’t believe (truly in their true-heart-space) that love can heal the world.  Most people just get discouraged with how things “are” here on planet earth.  Sometimes happy; sometimes sad; rarely fully present; rarely shining their heart-light.  That is fine for that is how things roll here on planet earth.  But some day we will all shine in our brightness and our glory.  Some day we will be joyous and full of knowledge (knowing/feeling/gratitude).  Some day we will love each other and especially love ourselves.  We will understand the nature of our “challenges” and work our way through them.  Someday soon we will understand the dynamics of peace as well as the “strife” that may be required to take us there.  Life is full of wonder.  Do find wonder in the experience.  Be bright and shiny.  Be happy and joyous.  Today may be the day you “see” that you are gorgeous:  that you are light.  Today may be the day that your loving heart heals the world; heals YOUR sadness and fear.  Be BRAVE today and walk in love.  LOVENLIGHT and have a Blessed Day.
