What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

Everything is perfect.  You are perfect.  Do you not feel perfect?  Sometimes we don’t feel so perfect but that is just so we can remember who we really are.  It is not so much that we are doing things wrong but sometimes we do things that sort of defeat the purpose, right?  And here we are talking SOUL purpose.  See?  So  when you are feeling less than connected; when you are feeling less than perfect (sick, achy, confused, irritated, etc. etc.) then it might be a good time to say, “Hey, what am I doing that is NOT connected to my Soul Purpose? What is not jiving here?”  I bet you will come up with a thing or two that can be changed or maybe just even tweeked a bit.  Life is for the living, friends.  It is so time for you to live YOUR LIFE as YOU.  Not to be the you that you feel others would accept but to be the REAL YOU.  To be happy in it and to let your life shine, shine, shine from the inside.  It is a beautiful way to live and don’t you deserve it?  You do deserve to live in joy.  THAT is why we are here.  Sometimes we just forget.  So next time you are feeling “off,” then please ask . . . what am I forgetting about my Soul Purpose.  What is the disconnect?  And then make corrections and move forward.  Forever in the light and HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY TO BE YOU.  God Bless and Go Be YOU.
