What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

Use your intuition; use your guides.  Your guides (and/or guidance system) would love to help; you just need to ask!  There is much we wish to do here so let us not feel like we are doing these things alone.  The universe holds great power (as do you, as do your thoughts, as do your “intentions”).  Others are trying to do things too and the universe and the earth elements have things they are doing as well. Sometimes we don’t get things exactly how we want them but when we are open to our guides and guidance system, we can flow relatively easily through life.  When we are open to ALL THAT IS, we won’t be shocked or confused either.  We flow.  We are grateful for ALL experiences.  We are happy in our process.  A good way to start the day is to imagine this flow, trust the flow, connect with the guidance system and jump right in!  With a smile on your face and joy in your heart the sky (isn’t even) the limit!  We are so much more than we think that we are.  Meaning we can accomplish great things.  At the same time let us be humble for we are born of the earth along with so many other life-forms.  We are not special from the other guy but we are all given great gifts and when we use them and honor them and are grateful for them, much can become manifest.  Having higher ideal intentions helps too.  Greed is not a higher ideal; love is a higher ideal.  See?  LOVE.  Live in it; work from it; allow the guides and/or guidance system to assist you in your quest called LIFE.  LOVENLIGHT and have a glorious day!
