What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

Everything is beautiful here on planet earth.  It is all based on perception.  Sometimes we have fear and our perception is coated with the idea that things are out to harm us.  Sometimes we have joy and have you noticed how that idea ~ of things out to harm us ~ fades away when we are in this light?  You don’t even think of it for you are in another perception of life.  THIS is the beauty of getting one’s perception lined up with how one wishes to live in this world.  If you want to live in peace then your perception should be coming from a peaceful place ~ it starts with you and your own mind, see?  So we can come from a place of love or come from a place of peace, or come from a place or torment and fear and the “why me” idea (a very common debate).  Live from whatever perception you would like and that is now your world.  BUT if you really want that peace you so care about, and that love you so need, and that happiness you desperately search for, then come from peace and love and happiness.  It starts with you:  your own mind and your own heart.  Do know this is not just “word play” this is an elemental truth:  for “like attracts like.”  So what are you “liking” today?  Instead of the “poor me” how about you change that to “fantastic and amazing me!” and see how things turn around for you.  GRATITUDE, LOVE, FORGIVENESS AND OPENNESS are pivotal to the evolution of your soul and that of the planet (yeah, just that).  You’ve got this!  Sometimes we just need to be reminded.  ALL adds up to new understandings ~ just stay open and proceed forward!  LOVE AND LIGHT AND HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY!
