What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

There are many experiences we can have here on planet earth.  Experiencing things consciously, fully, and with the heart open, is a good way to be.  Much of the time we live with our eyes cast down and not really opening to each experience.  Sometimes that may be because we are “working” or those times seem “mundane.”  Though every experience can be extraordinary if we are open to it ALL.  There is greatness here!  This is the place to be, right here in this experience, as the world changes and you change with it.  This may sometimes feel constricting or “crazy making” but this life, your life, right here and now is exceptional and an OPPORTUNITY for you and all men to evolve and become better: more loving, more open-hearted, and more ONE with the universe.  It is time to become one with humanity (regardless of race or creed).  It is time to become one with all the other creatures that share our planet as well.  It is time to become one with the rest of the universe that pulses and thrives and is little noticed by most humans living here on earth.  THIS is the time and you are the ONE!  Be open; be loving.  Learn your lessons so you can grow and evolve and be happy in it.  Then, the whole world becomes lighter and brighter and the universe sings . . . all because of YOU and your good (light) work.  God Bless and have a great day.
