What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

Refine your focus.  Many people don’t focus at all.  They think this and that and they are all over the place with their thoughts.  If you fine-tune your thoughts and focus on what you really want, that helps the universe provide.  If you stay clearly focused on certain things, you have a better chance to manifest your true desires.  This is important, the idea of focus for manifesting, and at the same time, just starting to focus more on what is happening here and now and try not to be so scattered.  Notice when your mind wonders and where it goes.  Is it negative and self-deprecating?  This happens a lot and you can notice it more as you focus.  Turn those words around through affirmations and/or go “into” the ideas and prove them wrong or find acceptance and move on.  Get to the “other side,” of these “issues,” if you will.  Define, focus, concentration and vigilance are key aspects as we journey within ourselves and as we journey into the new reality of love and light.  The universe is “prodding you,” showing you your darkness so that we may ascend more easily into the lighter realms.  Release the darkness by becoming more fine-tuned in all you do.  That which you suppressed will show itself.  Look at it and work through it as we release all that no longer serves us in order to ascend into enlightenment.  LOVE AND LIGHT AND BLESSED BE.  GOD BLESS.
