What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

Everything happens for a reason.  So they say.  Our own energy also has input to these occurrences.  Our outlook on life and daily perspective creates this life in which we participate.  We can become more active in our participation with the universe or allow things to come with an opening of love and healing energy within our hearts/mind/spirit.  Life is perfect regardless.  Many wish to look at the world and their experiences as “happening TO them.”  Oftentimes we find ourselves in a victim mode without even trying to “go there.”  This can happen quickly and easily when we are feeling sick or “off kilter.”  The idea here is that when we are shining brightly we can manifest more brightness into our experiences.  When we are “down” we may need to rest and regroup and that is fine to.  When we are loving ~ there is so much love around us.  When we are accepting of everything there is greatness in the minutest of experiences.  Love IS everywhere.  Open up to it.  As we change perspective, our lives can happen FOR us, not TO us, as LEOTHA once said so elegantly.  Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing ~ there is a field ~ I will meet you there, says the mystic.  This again is the idea that nothing need be good or bad or right or wrong.  All things can just BE and you are perfect within that being.  It is oneness, really.  It always comes back to oneness.  You are part of the great I AM wholeness of oneness; you are part of the great creator.  You too can create when you are connected and open and happy.  Life CAN happen FOR you as we move ahead into this new paradigm of beauty, love, justice and freedom.  There is a field . . . I shall meet you there.  LOVENLIGHT!
