What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

Release the fear that holds you back.  We all hold onto fears from our past life experiences.  They can be viewed as guideposts on “what not to do” but more often than not, they simply add up and create a larger sense of “I’m not good enough.”  These things can go.  We can ask for a release of “all that does not serve us.”  This is our right and with strong intention, so it shall be.  We can walk in the guidance and abundance of the universe.  We can reach our highest potential.  We can live a life of freedom of fear and “misguided” thoughts.  We can do these things; YOU can do these things, but it takes a conscientious effort.  It takes forethought and fortitude and COURAGE.  We often define ourselves by our accomplishments and our failures.  Where, instead, we COULD let go of these labels and connect more fully, flowing with the divine light of oneness.  It takes a few steps up, however, to get to this flow and the releasing of the past is a good way to start.  Breathe deep and connect.  Release fully and you will find you are floating a bit higher than before.  THERE is the flow of the divine presence, now more accessible to you.  It is simple to see from this perspective.  When we are weighted down and afraid, our possibilities seem limited.  When we are free of our fear, the sky is the limit.  See?  This is something we can work on today.  LOVENLIGHT!
