What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

Don’t let other people’s fear weigh you down.  You are not responsible for other people’s happiness.  Yes, we can each do our part to help relieve the weight of the world on other’s psyche, but it is ultimately up to each individual to think and act in their own way; on their own path; for their own karmic progression/digression.  We should try to help when we can but we cannot “change one’s mind” on certain issues, etc. especially when it comes to fear.  Just because others are living in fear does not mean that you need to “take that on.” You live from your perspective and keep it strong (and yet open to additional changes and information).  We cannot walk in another’s shoes or be in their headspace as much as we want everyone to live in “love and light.”  It is up to each individual how they think and act.  Be loving and kind and stay strong IN YOUR LIGHT connected to all that is beautiful on this planet and beyond.  Take the high road, as they say, and stay in love and light while “dealing with” others.  Be that love and peace you so wish to see in the world.  BE IT and let your light radiate out onto the earth and all her inhabitants.  That is all each of us can do to help the whole:  keep our own selves “right minded” and clear and clean and loving.  Just that.  Let us work on self today so we can stay strong in the light.  Let not other’s fear blind you from your path of love.  Stay strong in love.  BE the light.  And God Bless you today and all days.
