What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

Today is a wonderful day.  Every day is a wonderful day.  Every second can be wonder-filled.  It is all perspective.  It starts with the heart ~ being grateful of the little things.  It starts with the mind ~ taming the beast (having the thoughts under YOUR control).  Loving the process ~ ALL OF IT ~ and finding joy and growth in every tiny infinite blessing.  We are all travelers here on earth: all here to learn and grow.  We learn about peace and prosperity and mostly LOVE.  We learn how to communicate with our brethren and work side-by-side for common good/goals.  We learn that each soul is important and every smile is a gift to the Heavens and those who come into our presence.  Life is joyous.  Life is glorious.  If you are not feeling that today, or any day, do know that you can work toward that by releasing the old in you to allow more space for joy in your heart.  We can all do this.  We need not be schooled in it or have a certain IQ.  We just need to be opened to it and ask.  Find time today to BE in the moments.  Find time to LOVE all that is.  And again, if these joyous feelings seem very foreign to you right now, take a moment to turn within.  Ask for a release of the old hurts and pains.  Ask for understanding and forgiveness (of self and others).   Ask for an opening in your heart for more love and joy to enter.  Then breathe.  Then BE.  Be the love you so wish to see in the world.  It may need to start with you.  LOVENLIGHT TODAY AND ALL DAYS.  YOU ARE THE GLORY OF THE HEAVENS MANIFESTED HERE ON EARTH.  SHINE IT OUT TO THE WORLD.  GOD BLESS.
