What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

Breathe.  Breathe.  Breathe.  Breathe.  Sit in it.  Don’t speak.  Get deep into the feelings.  Where are they coming from?  What are they relating to?  Don’t be an automaton:  be yourself.  Go within.  Find the joy in all things.  When “stuff comes up for you” whether joyous or dark, don’t be blinded:  find the meanings; clear it out if negative but first identify and feel it.  When in the states of joy enhance that joy by going deeper and find even greater joy and meaning there.  When feeling scattered then, you know the answer:  breathe.  There is great fuss-fuss around this time of the year and many are “out of their bodies.”  The suggestion here is to stay grounded, stay in the body, be in the moment and LIVE it.  We can learn and grow even during the holidays, the vacation times and the times when things seem rushed and fussed about.  Let the joy of the world enter your heart.  Build THAT up!  Be careful in the media for there is much happening there in the way of “control.”  Allow your individual heart to know truth and be set free.  Regardless of beliefs, BE as present as possible.  Find joy, good friends; find joy and let it grow.  Spread it out, dear hearts and let love encompass the world.  Your heart is what is important in this endeavor.  Fear not for the hearts of men and work on self.  Find love there.  Connect to source.  Stay strong and vigilant in your practice.  Be free.  Be free and joyous.  God Bless YOU today and all days.  You are a shining star; a messenger to men.  Shine the message from your heart and know that is enough.
