What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

Every day is a good day and every day is perfect.  Every day is a perfect day to give back to the world for all your good fortune.  Every day is a good day to determine your good fortune and be grateful in it (especially this time of the year which is often a time of self-reflection).  This is not a time to judge self and beat-up on self and have those feelings people often do of not being enough or not doing enough (or what you had “planned to do”).  These are days of self-love, world love, and a time for being grateful of what you do have.  And realize that these gifts you’ve been given can be shared with the world.  That is all we “need” to do:  share our light with the world.  Not hide it under the blankets as we hide there ourselves feeling “less than.”  We are so much greater than!  We are greater than we own.  We often diminish ourselves due to society “norms.”  Now is a great time to bust through those self-placed restrictions and shine, shine, shine.  We are but gods of men.  We are infinite and blessed.  We are part of the divine human experience that doesn’t end here.  We can connect to the great source and say “how do you do” and “thank you so very much.”  “I am a part of the greatness. I am protected.  I am gifted.  I am blessed and bless – ed.”  Love is in our hearts and in our body/mind/spirit.  That is the source of the great I AM.  Remind yourself who you “really” are by saying this as often as needed:  “Almighty I AM; Almighty I AM; Almighty I AM.”  You are divine.  The world is your playground and garden.  You are the butterfly changing form to something more ethereal day by day.  Be glad in the transformation and allow your sparkling ethereal light to spread throughout the land; shining light in the darkness.  God Bless YOU.  Amen.
