What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

We are of one mind, one heart, one body.  Most of the time it doesn’t feel this way or appear this way but it is true.  We are the life-force of mankind on planet earth at this time and we ARE ALL together.  Just imagine the body of yourself and how parts are doing different things all for the one purpose.  Some parts are not acting toward the greater good at times (when the “system” is “off”) but in general ~ that is how the body works.  Imagine how the body may be over-acting in one way to counteract something else that is wrong in the body or compensate for it.  Imagine if all the cells in your body were perfectly clean and clear and working for the great cause of health and human existence?  Wouldn’t that be great?  But there are always cells that are “mis-programmed” and even holding onto old hurts and pains and feelings.  When we exercise it together and when we combine the trinity of body, mind and spirit, that helps get the body get in tuned.  When we rest and meditate and HONOR all the parts of the body system, it works better.  This is the same with our humanity here on planet earth at this time.  Things are “off” and need to readjust to the new ways of thought and doing things.  Our humanity is becoming one of “heart-centered” rule versus “mind-centered.”  We are learning to gather up ALL OUR PEOPLE to allow them to work for the divine blessings of oneness.  These things take some time.  Please stay grounded in the heart-centered focus here.  Please honor all who live in our body-humanity.  Please meditate on the whole and ask for ALL to live happy and free and focused on the greater good.  Love and light to you today.   Blessed BE.
