What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

There are many things we can be doing while here on planet earth; LOVE and COMPASSION being the most important.  There are many things we can create and unlimited things we can do, but if not done through and with love and compassion, we sort of miss out on a great opportunity.  Being and working through and with love (and compassion) is not simply “faking it.”  The idea here is to really do things fully with the love flowing within and throughout. Not a kind but “empty” gesture, but more like a real-love gesture.  See?  If you are not “feeling it,” or if you have a resistance in working with love, then that is more of an empty love-action.  Though, if that is the case, you did try and that is wonderful too!  That empty action (that resistance) can be seen as an opportunity in which to learn and grow.  Look at your resistance to love!  Look at your resistance to compassion!  Look at your resistances, in general . . . they can tell you A LOT!  Start there!  Use them to work on self!  If and when we use love as our ideal and compassion as our action, we will find there are no resistances and so much joy and gratitude will grow in our hearts. Most of us WANT to be kind.  Oftentimes we allow fear and miscommunication (and an unlimited variety of things) to come between our desires and our actions.  Find those limitations in self and work toward the greater good/goal.  LOVE.  COMPASSION.  FAITH.  JOY.  Have a Blessed Day!  LOVENLIGHT!
