What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

Breathe, breathe and breathe again.  Do ground yourself and find peace within.  Finding peace within and grounding to mother earth is crucial during these ever-changing times.  Things are not as bad as they seem nor are they as bad as we make them in our own minds (of fear and loathing).  What if life is perfect just the way it is right now ~ doing just what you are doing?  Instead of having to “deal with” this, this and that  ~ what if we in-joy each and every experience, regardless of the so-called “circumstances”?  There is such greatness here on planet earth and greatness IN YOU.  As above, so below; as within, so without (outside circumstances).  Find your soul-core strength and allow that to penetrate your daily activities.  Find the strength and love within and you will find the outside experiences line up accordingly (like you ARE within).  You are great; this life-experience is extraordinary.  You are peaceful and your outside world is peaceful.  You are perfect and everything that happens “for you” is perfect too.  There are blessings and perfection in all we experience.  We simply need to “tune” (connect) to that.  Allow your strength and soul purpose to guide you today.  In love, in light;  we move forward and are happy in it.  Blessings to you today and ALL DAYS.  LOVENLIGHT!
