What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

Where are your thoughts?  Where is your mind going?  Is it running ahead without you?  Are you conscious of your thoughts or do they sneak up on you and you wonder how long you’ve been “in this state?”  Oftentimes we are bombarded by thoughts that are not beneficial to our wellbeing.  This is not done by others; it is done by self ~ by “allowing” the thoughts to penetrate into your sacred sanctuary:  your pure light being.  There is much done in the way of “programming” and this is done through cultural norms, through news media, through family, through television/internet, and much of the time these “unwanted” and “un-called-for” thoughts are welcomed with open arms without any concern of “negative” effects.  We need not allow them to penetrate our being.  Our minds are our own.  Our bodies are our sanctuary.  Our thinking is OUR responsibility.  Do take time to watch your thoughts.  Take additional time to realize where these thoughts are coming from.  Take meditative time to clear them.  We are strong (if we want to be) and resilient.  Do not let the ways of man get in the way of YOUR love and freedom; your joy and livelihood.  We are all here to find our enlightment-spot:  to excel as far as we can and as far as we wish to go/see/be.  It is OUR JOB to remain free of the distractions.  Find your core.  Find your heart.  Be true to both and find your wings.  You are a true radiant being.  Remind yourself of that as you clear the rest.  LOVENLIGHT to you today and ALL DAYS.    God Bless.
