What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today?

Start fresh!  Start afresh for every day and every second is new and full of opportunities.  Didn’t do so well yesterday?  Today is a new day.  Didn’t go so well this morning; in the last hour; the last minute?  Just allow and move on.  We are NEW every second of every day.  We CAN be whatever we focus upon.  We are dynamic like that.  We can tap into the all love powerful oneness energy and become cleared and centered and move forward in the light.  That didn’t work?  Well we do it again and again and again . . . and we STAY OPEN for all experiences, regardless.  Allowing and opening and focus and clearing helps us consciously act within the framework of this so-called-life.  Contrarily we can be reactionary and that if often exhausting and not so helpful to the trinity:  body, mind, spirit.  When we are “connected” we don’t react . . . we flow, we create; we act.  Staying connected, therefore, is key!  When we are not conscious then we revert back to old patterns and we often get “beat up” by the outside elements.  See?  Yes, that is how it often works here on planet earth.  Do you want to be a creator?  Get clear and clean and create YOUR LIFE full of joy and abundance and everlasting love.  There IS abundance on this planet; life CAN BE miraculous, and YOU ARE deserving, dynamic and beautiful.   You truly ARE.   LOVENLIGHT and have a great day!
