Channeling 20oct14

What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today? There is nothing to fear here.  It seems like there is but much of that is illusion.  Your peace and serenity is within your heart:  go there.  This is easier said than done and has been mentioned...

Channeling 19oct14

What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today? Do keep your head up; chins-up, if you will.  There are many changes happening on planet earth and all is fine and good.  Do stay strong in your core-essence and remain vigilant in your practice of...

Channelling 18oct14

What would you have me know today?  What is a good topic for today? We live in a world of duality.  But it does not have to be that way.  We think in black and white:  good and bad, richer or poorer; love and hate.  There is a wide spectrum for all that is and living...