Take the time to realize, we are one.  I am of the same species as you; we are related.  We live in the same state, country, world; you are my brother and I am your daughter.  We are all one:  we breathe the same air and walk the same soil and swim in the same waters.  So does our brothers the dolphin and the whale.  Our brother, the falcon and hawk, fly in the same sky.  And the lands that we walk on have been teaming with life for eons of time, but lately we stopped noticing.  We are one here on planet earth.  Let us start recognizing this and start gathering up our resources to share with others, while taking care to not jeopardize our mother gaia who supplies us with these resources.  Let us collectively vow to care for the glorious animals that grace us with their power, strength and beauty.  They have so much to teach us.  We use to watch them and notice, but lately we watch television and computers instead.  Let us stop fighting amongst our human family over religion, land and money.  Let us help our brother to feel the human experience as a chance to learn and grow instead of a chance to destroy and harm their neighbor.  How do we do all these things?  We start with working on ourselves.  Creating love within that can be shared with the world; caring for our dog so we can better campaign for a threatened animal species.  Changing the way we communicate with our spouse, mother, neighbor, before running for public office.  Let us work on ourselves so we can better serve the whole:  for when we serve the whole, we serve the one.
art by John Hannafin
